The Philadelphia Metropolitan Area SAS Users Group (PhilaSUG) is a non-profit, independent, and volunteer-based professional organization that brings together individuals in southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and northern Delaware who are interested in SAS software and other statistical analysis software. Our primary objective is to provide a forum to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and promote best practices about using SAS software and/or integrating SAS with other open source tools for data analysis and reporting. PhilaSUG operates as an official SAS users group but maintains its independence from SAS Institute.
Membership in PhilaSUG is open to anyone who is interested in SAS software in the Philadelphia Metropolitan area. Membership fees are optional. Members can attend the webinars and meetings without additional fees.
PhilaSUG typically offers one in-person meeting and one on-line webinar per year. The meetings are open to anyone interested in joining. Additional on-line webinars and other activities, such as training classes, may be organized to meet the needs and interests of members.
Amendments to this charter may be proposed by any member of PhilaSUG. Proposed amendments will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and approval requires a majority vote of the Committee members.