PhilaSUG’s primary mission is to provide a forum for SAS professionals to meet and share experiences. PhilaSUG also recognizes that searching for new employment opportunities is a normal activity when professionals meet. Since we depend on our respective employers to support PhilaSUG by providing time for members to attend, prepare presentations, and provide meeting facilities, we do not wish to jeopardize those relationships we have all nurtured.
Therefore, when attending any of our meetings, we request that all parties engaged in recruiting activities be professional and discreet, and suggest that such activities be carried outside and after our meetings. Those seeking or offering positions may display materials at a location designated by PhilaSUG at each meeting. That means that recruiters cannot approach people, hang out at the position books, or publicize that they are there. Violators of this policy may be asked to leave the meeting.
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This site was last modified: October 24, 2019. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated, e-mail the Web Master at webmaster at PhilaSUG dot org | [About] |